Tuesday, September 26, 2017

(Movie Review) Power Rangers

Title: Power Rangers
Rating: 5/5
Genre: Supernatural / Young Adult / Based off TV Series
Summary: A group of high-school students, who are infused with unique superpowers, harness their abilities in order to save the world.

Spoiler’s Ahead!

Hi everyone~! This is my first movie review so I wanted to give you the standard of how I rate movies.

- trailer ~ was it interesting?
- setting ~ was the set a good quality and flow with the movie?
- cast ~ were the actors and actresses a good fit for their parts?
- plot ~ was the storyline good?
- sequel ~ do I want another one?
- my overall thoughts.

So let’s roll right into this movie review! In the pictures below you see one of the official movies posters for the United States and my movie ticket as my receipt for seeing this movie. I went to my local Tinseltown and my admission is like $4.19 here. This was seen in regular digital cinema quality. To be honest, I will rarely see a 3D movie because of my astigmatism and seeing it gives me headaches. I digress from that though! The movie I saw was the rebooted Power Rangers! What drew me in to see the movie was not just the excellent quality trailer but my childhood love of the power rangers! I like the trailer we watched gave me just enough interest but not revealing everything.

Welcome to the town of Angel Grove which is the setting of this movie. It’s a quaint small town that reminds me a lot of my own except for the fishing part. The area that they filmed was perfect for this movie. I also liked the costume choices of the cast. The costume designer did a good job. The cast selectors did an amazing job in this reboot for the cast. I love the diversity of the cast. They each brought their own spirit to their character. When I was younger the yellow ranger was my favorite, but Cyler gave me a whole new ranger to call my favorite, the blue ranger. His character Billy was truly the best part of the movie 100% of the time. I enjoy how they brought more like to the pink ranger, Kimberly’s, character.

The fantastic cast really brought the plot/screen play to life. The movie kicks off with introducing us to Jason pranking the school with his friends by kidnapping a local cow and tying it up in the boys locker room. The cops show up and Jason ends up in accident that has him spending his summer in detention so that he can graduate. This is where we get a glimpse of the other four rangers from there everything snow balls into a really great movie! I don’t want to spoil all of it :D The series does stray a bit from the tv series which is fine. One of the things that I like about this universe is that the world knows about the rangers and welcome them. I love how they left this one open for a second installment. I can’t wait to see it, and who they chose for Tommy Oliver. My overall thoughts are that this was a great movie and I give it a ten out of ten stars. I believe if you’re too hooked on the original you give no room for possible growth that the original story line left you hanging or that you hated. I recommend this movie to anyone!

Poster & Summary Credit: IMDB.com

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